Tuesday, March 1, 2011


2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and love, and a sound mind.

Those are powerful words. Think about it; YOU ARE POWERFUL! Not because I said it, but because it is in the word of God. Today, fear lurks at every corner preying upon the weak and zapping the very strength from them. You could be wondering why I decided to work on this topic. Firstly, the Holy Spirit has nudged me pertaining to this particular subject as it relates to a conversation that I carried out with an individual weeks ago. I was speaking about this blog and the person warned me to be "careful" about what I spoke. I didn't find this as cowardly, but more along the lines of "misguided." Obviously if that person had spent more time in the word they would have known that fear is straight from the devil! After all fear is learned! You are taught to be afraid. You are taught that you cannot make a difference. You are taught that your feelings don't matter. You are taught the mindset of "I can't do anything about it, its just the way it is." Wrong! You can make a difference. You have to turn to God's word for understanding and strength. Now, back to that conversation I mentioned before. I simply stated to that person that the point of me creating this blog was to start helping others find their voice and to speak out against the Illuminati (oh yes the dreaded word, be very afraid) secret societies, corrupt politics, wicked governments and many other "taboo" topics. Oh wait, I can't talk about those things because they might kill me!
Matthew 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
WHO CARES! They are nothing and God could crush them all instantly, but that is not how He operates. He has a perfect and divine plan that must play out, so he won't make the decisions that we would. All in due time good friends. The wicked will be destroyed and the righteous will prevail. Oh, how I long for that day. Let's see what God says about what He will do to the wicked.
"That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath." Job 21:30
For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth." Psalms 37:9
But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away." Psalms 37:20
The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy." Psalms 145:20
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." Malachi 4:1
Anyhow, If I were afraid to speak out about the injustices that are happening to people, I would be just as cowardly as those causing the turmoil. In that case there would be no point to me having created this blog. I didn't make this for my own pleasure or satisfaction. I did this for others in an attempt to reach out to those searching for answers; truth! I refuse to keep my mouth shut and pretend that nothing is going on! I refuse to stand by and do nothing. If more people took a stand instead of watching others be destroyed and sitting on the sidelines, we could actually overthrow the evil powers that be! Oh, but that won't happen. They're too afraid. They're too scared of what will happen to them. I can't do it all by myself. Even Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X had supporters for their respective causes. By supporters I mean people who were brave enough to kick fear in the butt and stand for their beliefs.  Don't you know that this life is but a vapor? Well then why worry about what others can do to you for telling the truth. To me, the truth is worth dying for. I can only speak for myself since there are so many cowards out there.
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms 27:1
 I couldn't believe that someone had the nerve to tell me to be careful about what I put out to the public. Trust me, I know all too well the tactics of the enemy. Any time someone comes out speaking about what is right, better yet speaking against EVIL they end up dead. Either there's a bullet to the dome, or they simply disappear. Well, that is the worst that can happen. Yes, you might get killed for telling the truth and waking people up, but isn't dying for the truth worth more than living a lie in a meaningless existence? Speaking out for what is real helps me have meaning in an otherwise meaningless existence. I had a choice when I opened this web site. I decided to use it to the glory of God rather than for the world or to bring glory to myself. I'm not saying you have do this if you create a website. This is my calling. This is what I chose to do. Do what God urges you to do and you will be just fine.  This is not a complaint fest, but I am frankly sick of being oppressed. I'm tired of having my face pushed into the dirt and being a good little slave while my oppressors laugh because they know that everyone is too afraid to speak out.
 What do I mean? I mean things like the BP Oil Disaster. Yes, it was nothing short of a disaster, and the worst one in documented history. What is sad is that this was no natural disaster. This was intentionally done for billions of dollars in profit. Think about how many lives were crushed to a pulp when these maniacs decided to detonate an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and release millions of gallons of oil into the sea. Dead dolphins are still washing ashore people! WAKE UP. That's not even the half. What about the thousands who made their living off of the fishing industry? Their businesses closed forever, their way of life destroyed. They were purposely forced out of their homes so that evil, greedy, selfish pigs could turn the Gulf Coast into the biggest oil refinery in North America. Now imagine yourself in their shoes. Deep right? I don't know about you, but I'd love to get my hands on these slime balls and wring their necks until they turn purple. You bet it; money was at the root of all this.
For the love of money is the root of ALL evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1Timothy 6:10
Not to mention Katrina in which the levees were purposely busted in order to release billions of tons of devastating flood water into New Orleans. As much as people would like to think, NO this was not an act of God. It was an act of evil men. Very sick men. This is all a part of the plan to clear out the gulf coast area for oil manufacturing. It was cold and calculating. Do you think they care about the countless families displaced? What about all those dead bodies floating around? What about the people starving without any help? NO. They don't care in the least. As long as their pockets continue to grow with each dollar, they could care less. Sadly enough, death for profit is one of the greatest enemies to mankind. When man realized he could make money off of the deaths of his fellow man, it marked the beginning of a very slow and painful end. You don't have to believe me. Look up "Georgia Guide stones" and you can see for yourself. The wicked have gone so far as to create a plan to wipe out the world population to a "controllable" number of 500 million. That means they intend to kill off the other 5.5 billion; get it?  You don't have to take my word for it however, go and do your own research. Jesse Ventura discussed the BP Oil Spill in great detail, and goes through a great deal of trouble to expose the unpleasant truth to blinded sheep.
What about 9/11? Aren't you sick and tired of the government murdering masses of their own people, covering it up with atrocious lies, and then using their media slaves to put out falsities to the public? Well, if you're not then shame on you! Enough is enough. We know good and well that 9/11 was no terrorist attack. In fact I even learned that the CIA (aka the Crooks in Action) implicated "Al qaeda" so that ( in the public eye) they would actually have seemingly real threats to terminate. Insane as it may sound it is not fantasy. Oh, and guess who served as a member of the CIA before gaining presidency? You bet, good ol' Obama! He's just another CIA drone trained from day one to inherit the presidency in order to help the wicked further their global conquests. Now, that is just too much of a coincidence for me. 9/11 was a farce! There are tons of references to it in movies and music years before 9/11 ever occurred. The movie A scanner darkly illustrates this, and the Simpson's cartoon among others. With 9/11 they killed thousands in a false "terrorist" attack (which caused massive public panic and fear) so that they could justify invading the middle east for the vast wealth of oil there! Of course a public believing that they were just brutally attacked by a "foreign" threat would readily condone a "war on terror." To put in simple, Americans were duped. Once again we see the root which goes back to oil, which goes back to MONEY. Don't take my word for it though. Do your own research and see if what I say is true! 9/11, BP Oil Disaster, Katrina, War on terror and many more are nothing more than atrocities committed by yours truly (your government) for exorbitant profits. Why should you care or take a stand? Well think about it. If they can "create" a disaster and destroy the lives of thousands in Katrina, the Gulf, and 9/11, then what is to keep them from destroying your town next in order to make more money? So as I asked earlier, are you afraid? If so, I urge you to rebuke that spirit of fear and start fighting back! Sometimes a peaceful revolution isn't going to get us where we need to be. There are many times when The Lord instructed the Israelites to storm their enemy camp by force! Don't be afraid to speak out against injustices and outrageous lies that you know are not true! This is your life and sooner or later we're all bound to become victims if we don't do something. As always, Freedom is truth, Knowledge is Power!

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